Not sure why we thought we'd have something special today......
The holidays are over and we are basking in some of the experiences and checking our "loot" like a mean, stingy, miser! (Very unattractive......but lots of fun!)
This is the day after Christmas and several days before New Year's.
Our favorite week of the year!
The rush is over. But the work-a-day world has not yet taken its full grip on everyone. This is a rather relaxed time with savoring the holiday/family time (even if the family is one of your own construction, not necessarily the one you were born into,) and anticipating positive changes for the New Year.
What are your expectations for the New Year?
Putting anything new into your life for 2013?
Any "lost in the shuffle" resolutions left over from last year that you may want to try again?
How about sharing your holidays with all of us?
Send pictures of you with your favorite gift.
Or....a scan of the favorite holiday card you received.
Food......any favorite "It-wouldn't-the-holiday-without-it?" dish?
Let's stretch the fun and the good feelings out a bit...........we will add your contributions to this page as they come in.........all week long.
Along with the sharing of this holiday's (or this year's) favorite experiences tell us of your plans, particularly your craft plans for 2013.
Anything we can do at the Gazette to help them along?
Meanwhile.......Happy New Year!
Thanks for helping the Gazette to continue along as we switch from Catalog adjunct to technique exploration, to sharing with this friendly group of crafters.
Come back.....send to us : )
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