Nobody Else Seems As Curious (Nosey)
as ggd
So.........we asked........
Yogi thinks it's her middle name. She didn't even know she HAD one for a long time and of course doesn't use it now but she's pretty sure (from the last time she was called upon to check an "official" document) that Maria is it!
Crafters Do Not Live by Cards (or Stamps) Alone
ggd has reverted to needlecraft....a long time craft "companion." Don't do much of it these days but recently got immersed in a project that turned out to be more ambitious than anticipated.A soccer ball hat for Hayley and Hannah (ggd's granddaughters) turned out to be much more time consuming than it at first appeared. We stuck it out and thanks to the Internet, Pinterest and abundant on-line patterns and tutorials, came up with a crocheted version for the GrandGirls, both enthusiastic and long time soccer players.
Here they are:
The idea started with "Soccer Mom's"(ggd's daughter, Sheila) desire to make hats for the whole team!
But the idea of crocheting that many hats was not just daunting, it was overwhelming! Besides, the hope was for completing them this year.......not when they started to college!
So...........a fleece version was the compromise.
Here's Hannah's (youngest granddaughter) team sporting their hats:
Considering posting the directions evolved while working on these (both the crocheted and the fleece versions). If
anyone is interested, please let ggd know. (Use e-mail link below at the very bottom of the post.)
That, in part, explains our Internet absence these last few weeks. BUT....for the next couple of months we will be posting only intermittently (other commitments). If you are on our mailing list you will be notified when there are new entries.
Meanwhile, as we enter the "Holiday" time of year, enjoy your families and your celebrations.
Happy Holidays Everyone!