DID You Doodle?
Do You WANT to Doodle?
Doodling, sketching and journalling all have a long, respected history among artists and writers in particular.More recently they have gained popularity with the "rest" of us, even being introduced in school to very young children as worthwhile practices.
There are electronic games, iPhone, iPad and Android Aps for doodlers--a 21st Century addition.
Gloria Sweich |
Just plain fun!
It's definition Doodle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A doodle is an unfocused or unconscious drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or may just be abstract shapes.
...............in no way "covers" what it has grown into in the past few years.
Spurred on by a doodle form known as "Zentangle" developed
Gloria Sweich |
. . . an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.
For our purposes we will look at many forms of doodling but if you have never experienced "Zentangl-ing" you can do no better than visit
and immerse yourselves in the beauty and drama created ". . . one stroke at a time."
As Zentangle has progressed, so too, have the "rules." Patterns are named and many are copy righted. Instructors (Certified Zentangle Teachers) are available throughout the country (world, in fact) so serious exploration is definitely possible.
Along with their own Zentangle book and many products to speed you on your Zentangle way there are many, many books teaching the technique. Some by CZTs and others by "imitators."
When we initiated an Amazon search, we were greeted with 15+ pages (25 items on each page) and stopped browsing at three dozen!!!
One of the advantages of Zentangle is that the technique can be "taught" while doodling as an "unconscious drawing" is personal not replicable (even by its creator).
However the uniqueness of the pure doodle is also one of its charms and advantages.
Gloria Swiech |
Others have as well..........Changing the Amazon Search from Zentangle to Doodle increased the results substantially.
Cloth, Paper, Scissors recently had this book on sale (sorry, the sale is over). Alicia Burke has an on-line class and.....though not technically "doodling" recently she featured some ball point pen sketches by her husband that are definitely worth taking a look at. A word about ball point pen usage.....be sure it's permanent. You don't want to open your sketchbook one day to find a blank or faded out page!.....Take a look as his work. (Click on sample swatches.) The techniques are the same as other pen and ink and pencil renderings but the huge advantage is its availability! No putting off starting "until I get the right pen...or paper....or sketch book....."or whatever! As you can see, the lines and and patterns that are familiar to doodler practitioners are a part of the textures and shading details used traditionally. Andy's drawings apply them exceptionally well.
Whether you choose pen, pencil, color, black & white or electronic do doodle!
Besides the output (really interesting drawings, designs, patterns and decorative elements) doodling is credited with calming, tranquilizing effects as well as an aid memory, focus and concentration.
Almost as much fun as actually doodling, looking at the results is
Gloria Sweich |
Whew!!! Awesome, right?
A Huge Collection of Doodles from Individual ArtistsThese are not included to intimidate but to entertain.......and above all else, to establish that there is no right or wrong way to doodle.
It's important that you treat yourself to this lovely "recess" from stress and enjoy browsing these wonderful images in preparation for joining in tomorrow's project!
Gloria Sweich |
Count on what should be a fun activity........but only IF........you join in.
One person has already signed up. Yay and thank you.
Send us your name, email and snail mail information ASAP to establish your place "in line" for this project.
Gloria Swiech |
Gloria Swiech |
when more information
will be available
and the project will START!