Most followers of this blog
know that it began its life as a part of gg designs' Catalog....."Back in the Day!" It was where new stamps were generally introduced and customers' samples displayed.
It was when Cyberstampers' was in it's heyday!
Cyberstampers, a group of vendors and many, many Internet followers, (led by the fearless, talented and fun and funny Janet Detter-Margul,) provided meetings and challenges, games, puzzles, instruction, classes and.........
one of gg designs' favorites, the Monthly Mystery Stamp event.
one of gg designs' favorites, the Monthly Mystery Stamp event.
Aside from its thinly veiled guise to introduce vendors and future customers, it was fun to see what everyone did with each months' image. Players bought a stamp (chosen by the vendor of the month) sight unseen and then made a project with it. At a given time the projects were revealed and discussed.
There were many of these, all interesting. ggd saved ones we sponsored.
The projects pictured here are from May 2006!!! And they STILL look good!!!
This entry by Vivian Reilly was actually from the October 2006, DooDads & Mystery Stamp...a mystery stamp within the mystery stamp event. She used the jig saw pieces to create this project........but it fit so well with the other "Five Daisey" examples it just had to go here!
For a closer look at these and other Mystery Stamp samples click above.
As you browse the Mystery Stamps you'll see some familiar names! Some of us have been "hanging out" together for a long time : )
Borrowed StampVerb's Card to say
for "coming out to play" with gg designs for so long!