We will start with what Yogi tells us about herself on her blog:
- Yogi Calgary, Alberta, Canada
- I've been an artist for as long as I can remember. Took a two year course at Sheridan College of Applied Arts (Commercial Art/Graphic Design). And many workshops and mini classes since then. I've tried many different forms of art including, macrame, pottery/ceramics, needlework (embroidery, crewel, knitting & sewing), stained glass, and several others. My passion these days are with Calligraphy, bookbinding and other paper arts. She welcomes you to her site with this information:
- I hope you find my blog informative. My main reason for creating my blog is to share things I've learnt, done or found interesting. Enjoy
But ggd's curiosity can't be satisfied with this! We want to know more about the talented woman behind the blog that features more information than you can ever use about art, card making, lettering, photography, virtually every technique you've seen in the last decade or more.
For instance.....Do you have any idea how many brothers and sisters Yogi has? Or where she was born? Or when she sleeps?
We don't think EVER since she ALWAYS has something new on her blog and in her "spare" time teaches many classes and attends many others! All while doing computerized accounting for a real estate firm.
We wonder.....if she even knows how many prizes she's been awarded. (There are currently 15 or more listed in the side bar toward the bottom of her blog.)
And....we want to know.......how she's doing with her challenge to herself......
Again....when does she sleep?
See bottom of post for more information.
You may find some help here:
Over the past couple of weeks we've pelted Yogi with random questions.......no rhyme or reason......just how they popped into our head.
She has been most gracious in dealing with our prying and....so far.....hasn't (symbolically) slammed the door in our face.
Here's some of what she shared:
When is your birthday and where were you born?
I'm a Sagitarian, cusp of Capricorn, Dec 21st.
Born in Antwerp, Belgium and immigrated to Canada when I was 1 1/2.
What is your favorite color? Mostly red (clothing, kitchen etc. - warm greens for everything else) - dislike blue*, won't have it in my house, but it does seem to creep into my card making quite often. * Oh gosh Yogi....our entire site is blue!!! ggd
I'm a Sagitarian, cusp of Capricorn, Dec 21st.
Born in Antwerp, Belgium and immigrated to Canada when I was 1 1/2.
What is your favorite color? Mostly red (clothing, kitchen etc. - warm greens for everything else) - dislike blue*, won't have it in my house, but it does seem to creep into my card making quite often. * Oh gosh Yogi....our entire site is blue!!! ggd
Do you have a pet? I've had cats, but no pet in the past 25+ years. When I was really young played with frogs, made enclosures for them, beds, jumped them down the pathway... what a memory
Have you always lived in Calgary? I've only been living here for about 17years. Lived in several cities in Ontario during my college years and then for a bit after that (Toronto, Brampton, & Oakville). Raised in Montreal, lived in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Had a spell in the Bronx NY.
Favorite Food? Probably Greek, but I love most foods except Mexican & most Spanish type foods. I absolutely love cooking and always enjoy trying out foods from other nationalities.
Favorite Beverage? Moccachino which I don't drink anymore since changing my eating habits. So now I always have a pot of Hazelnut Cream coffee in my pot which I drink cold with some milk, maple syrup and Stevia.
Family? Not married (never wanted to be). No kids, thank you very much... Never wanted them. I leave them to everyone else. Have 2 sisters (Montreal), a neice and a bunch of guy cousins, a couple aunts uncles. Only have one cousin living in Calgary, Everyone else is either in Montreal or somewhere in the States.
First crush? Murray Gollin He was into journalism and went off to Israel to do a newspaper article and died a few months later. I still think about him often.
Childhood friends? Only had two that were really good friends (Wally & Gloria) Lost contact with one of them when I moved from Montreal the first time. The other one lost contact probably about 25 years ago.
BFF? Yup! Barbara who also lives in Montreal. So only get in
touch now and then via emails. What I liked most was I could just drop in whenever, didn't even have to call, and just veg if she was doing something. It was such an easy going relaxing experience which I haven't come across again. I do have a ton of friends in Calgary, but all of them would expect a call first...*
*Don't we ALL want a Barbara in our lives!!!ggd
College? Where (Sheridan College of Applied Arts & Technology) (Sorry....this is covered in Yogi's information on her site). ggd
What courses? Commercial Art/Graphic Design......Loved Typography, disliked art history
Work Life? For the past 17 years computerized accounting property management for a commercial real estate company. It's a very good day job. I only have to work 20 hour weeks and can shift whenever I need. Gives me lots of time to do my own stuff and since I'm getting close to retirement will cut those hours back. Ten years as Production Control Manager in a high tech manufacturing plant. In between these two jobs worked as a florist, and various self employed - Mary Kay consultant, Stained Glass shop owner, various computer and art related endeavours.....
Art Jobs? I'm always doing something related to art and making a couple bucks here and there -not enough to retire though...
Currently teaching calligraphy, quilling and bookbinding classes.
Be sure to check out the lettering tutorial Yogi shared with gg designs customers. Link Here!
When did you first start your Blog? My website started in 2003, and my blog July 2007
ggd--A word about Yogi's Blog..........It's hard to imagine you haven't visited it but if you haven't, you are in for a treat. Not only is it a feast for the eyes, every card or project Yogi posts has step by step directions. Yogi is serious about "My main reason for creating my blog is to share things," so make it your "go to" blog when you need inspiration (and directions) for your project and are "running on empty." "SPACERS" throughout this post are Yogi's recent work shown on her blog and are linked to the blog.
Other interests/talents you have? Extremely organized. One look at her studio will definitely show that!!! Here's a link. Have a anal streak... usually can think outside the box and [am] good at problem solving.....love working with wood and building stuff....love gardening although that's getting harder to do these days......love cooking and eating.
What is your current favorite technique? Everything I see... always on the look out for unusual card structures or book binding sewing techniques - love making easel cards
A few of Yogi's favorite things:
Books and Movies? Haven't watched a movie in eons. Haven't gone to a movie theater in even longer. Used to read probably 2 to 3 books a week, but for the past year or so, haven't opened a book. I think that can all be stemmed to the transit system. Weird I know. And a bit of the restructuring of the main Library I used to frequent. Kind of weird to think of my motivation... I remember going to the main library and enjoying just going to a specific area and it would always have books I enjoyed reading (usually some kind of mystery/romance). Then they changed the layout and the content of books in that area. Hated going to the other areas in that Library. So found another library on my transit route. If I have to walk more than a block I avoid those places, too hard for me. Anyway, this library had a good assortment that was easy to find, but now with all the rebuilding of our train system, it disrupts all my usual routes, so have stopped doing the usual stuff. I now just relax and people watch when taking the bus.
Have no favorites. Can't even remember any names of books or actors. I take that back, there are two writers I really enjoy. One puts a really funny twist on things Janet Evanovitch, and the other one, love her murder mystery writing JD Robb and her exceedingly handsome and rich husband...
TV? Love watching Elementary, any of the CSI shows, Motive, Person of Interest, Unforgettable, they all seem to keep my interest and not make me fall asleep. Dislike Criminal Minds, love the actors, hate the content.
Yogi is definitely NOT a sports fan!
Dislike sports immensely. When friends used to visit, they weren't allowed to watch them in my home. I occasionally watch figure skating, golf, tennis, equestrian stuff. But definitely not football, hockey or baseball. Personally I think they should be banned.
LOVE--Sitting in my garden soaking up the sun - preferably without bugs. Lupins, brings back memories of Prince Edward Island. Have all the colors of them in my garden. Poppies both Oriental and Icelandic. Have about 6 or 7 varieties in my garden including a beautiful red one and a salmon one. Cosmos, although still not having great success with them. Sounds LOVELY! ggd
Eating a really ripe fruit like Alphonso Mangos, or Mission figs - and don't put a piece of cake with cream filling in front of me....
Playing/working in my art room. Here's the link again.
Favorite Holiday? I don't celebrate any holiday, so every holiday is a celebration... I'm off work BIG GRIN
There you have it. You've gotten a peek at Yogi's life and times and hopefully you enjoyed getting to know Yogi as much as ggd has.
Did you work the puzzle? If so, you may be eligible for a special prize!
First person to send scan of the correctly completed puzzle to ggd will receive........a Yogi original!
There will be a bonus prize....for the person who guesses Yogi's MIDDLE name. *
*From Yogi--Only realized I had one when I had to look on my birth certificate.
*From Yogi--Only realized I had one when I had to look on my birth certificate.
Have Fun!
8/21/13 1:05 PM Prize is Won!!! Michelle Morlan submitted her winning entry! Congratulations Michelle.........Go shopping on Yogi's site and take your pick. (Tough part will be choosing just ONE!)
Note: Michelle was very tenacious! She worked out the puzzle in spite of a couple of typos and spelling errors! Sagittarius was misspelled. (Used two g's--sorry!)
There's still the prize for finding out Yogi's middle name.
Hint....the information is not in this post or the puzzle.
Hint....the information is not in this post or the puzzle.